On Saturday David and I completed the hedge trimming at home, a very satisfying feeling apart from the inevitable aches and pains in the old spine! The fleece, pictured above, sheared from the Black Leicester sheep I referred to a few blogs ago, is washed, dried and ready for carding and storing . Laundry, washed overnight, is hanging on the line to dry and David has disappeared off to ‘Keech’, the local Hospice, for the day.
So, no more excuses I need to have an ‘admin’ day! There are emails to catch up with, draft agendas to be written, meetings to prepare for and a desk which needs tidying. Toby the Yorkshire Terrier is curled up in his basket totally oblivious to this hive of activity that’s about to begin and – well maybe I’ll start with a coffee!
Or maybe I’ll start with a time of peace and reflection, a time of just ‘being’ with God.
A while ago I discovered, that if you sign up to their free website, the ‘Upper Room’ daily devotional can be emailed each day into your inbox. It can be used on its own as a time of devotion or it can be used in conjunction with other resources such as our own Methodist Prayer Handbook.
We all find our own method, our own way of coming to God. Many of us lead very busy lifestyles and it’s so easy to ‘get up and get going’ focussed on the tasks ahead. Yet time spent in reflection and prayer is precious, it grounds us in our faith and reminds us that with every breath we take, we are in the presence of the one who gave us life.
‘Breathe on me breath of God, fill me with life anew ———-‘ Singing the Faith 370