Each year MWiB donates £10,000 to projects working to empower women and girls overseas. MWiB works closeley with All We Can (Methodist Relief and Development), the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, and the Methodist Church’s World Church Relationships Partnership Co-ordinators to identify suitable projects, but applications are also welcome from Districts, via District Forum Reps.
Nine applications were brought to the MWiB Forum Meeting in September 2017, and it was agreed to give £2,000 to:
- Pregnancy Twinning, Malawi and Nigeria [Visit their website here]
and to divide the remaining £8,000 equally between the remaining eight projects:
- MCK Tharaka Kenya
- L’Programme de Santé Communautaire, Benin
- Women: Faith, Family and Community, Haiti
- Mother to Mother playgroups, Kenya
- Family of Hope School, Uganda [Read a project update here and visit their website here]
- Cervical Cancer Screening, Kenya
- Wesleyan School Teacher Training, Pakistan [Read a project update here]
- Dieu N’Oublie Personne, Togo [Read a project update here]
The application form for Empowerment Gifts 2018 is available to download here. The deadline for applications is 31st July 2018, and projects will be selected at the Forum meeting in September.
MWiB also provides Social and Community Action Grants, Enabling Grants, and small Discretionary Grants.
You can download details of other gifts and grants here.