26th March 2017 – The Joy of Yellow
inYellow is the colour of this time of year Yellow daffodils, Primroses, early cowslips If the weather is kind, Celandines…
2nd April 2017 – Passion Sunday
inWhen you were a little boy, Jesus, growing up with sisters and brothers with a loving mother, those who would…
9th April 2017 – Holy Week
inJesus, I imagine your hand caressing the little donkey’s head. An unbroken animal, soon to face a burden and great…
19th March 2017 – Mercy
inWe have not learned to have mercy on each other Gracious God Forgive us We expect the world to…
12th March 2017 – Chocolate or Not
inIs it better to give up chocolate Or to put extra in the Food Bank Box? Silly question, Why not…
5th March 2017 – An Uphill Struggle
inLent is the time for us to draw closer to you Gracious and Loving God. It is not that you…
26th February 2017 – Joy and Delight
inA treasured painting was returned to me After a long absence. It was with such joy that I unwrapped its…
19th February 2017 – Where are they now?
inThe blankets and the little shelter tents Have long gone. The people taken by bus to, for them, An unknown…
12th February 2017 – Seeing Clearly?
inThe morning frosty Cold and clear Breath visible Wintry sunshine Sparkling Passing the greenhouse Stopping Words from St Paul…
5th February 2017 – Rooted in Family
inLoving God, You grace us with your presence whether or not we are alert to it. We are your family,…